1) NaNoWriMo. Whenever someone asks me about writing, this is, without fail, the first thing I tell them about. NaNoWriMo runs every November. You write 50,000 words in one month in order to win bragging rights and the knowledge that You Can Do It. My first novel, On Her Own Two Wheels, came from my first ever NaNoWriMo. Now, this fabulous program also includes:
A) Camp NaNoWriMo. Every April and July, you can set a word goal of your choice and work on a project type of your choice (novel, script, epic poem, short story, nonfiction, WHATEVER) with you and your cabin mates cheering each other on.
B) No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days
2) The International 3 Day Novel Contest. As if writing 50,000 words in 30 days wasn't challenging enough, this insane contest calls for you to crank out a rough draft over America's Labor Day Weekend. Recommended goal: 25,000 words of original fiction. There is an entry fee and prizes for winners.
3) 642 Things to Write Journal
4) This article about Amanda Hocking. Because it makes me feel like dreams are real.
A) Speaking of which, Amanda Hocking's blog. Because, again, it makes me feel like dreams are real.
5) Scrivener [Download]
6) This free class from OpenLearn. It's just the basics, but skimming it can make you feel more like writing again and can stir up some long-dormant creative juices.
7) This article about marketing and building a fan base. This isn't like the field of dreams: just because you built a book doesn't mean people are gonna read it. You need to get readers, and this talks about how and the real math behind it all.
What are some of your favorite resources for writing? Or, if you're a reader, what do you like to read?
Great post, Stacy! I really like Writing World (writing-world.com) because it's a giant database of helpful things. But I cant' wait to check out your ideas! :)